Linda Lester
01404 813074
Homeopathy is a safe, gentle and effective natural health system. Homeopathy assists the body's own natural instinct to heal itself and restore natural balance.
Homeopathy is safe for people of any age, pregnant, mums, babies and older people and can be used with other medicines if necessary.
Homeopathy is a holistic system of health care, that takes into account every aspect of your daily life and enables the homeopath to look at your unique symptoms and choose a treatment that is specific to your needs. It is not addictive and is free from Side effects.
When you have your case taken by a homeopath you will be asked lots of questions about yourself and it is this information that helps the homeopath choose a prescription that best suits you as a unique and individual person.
Arnica montana
Leopards Bane.
The tincture is made from
the roots of the plant.
Arnica montana has an
affinity with blood vessels
and is used to assist with:
- Bruises, concussion, shock and trauma of an accident, post operative bruising
- Helps prevent Jet lag and DVT
- Remedy for muscular diseases: strains, sprains, bruising and swelling.
- Lumpy bed flu (if the patient complains that the bed feels hard and uncomfortable
Better for : open air, wind in the face, cold water.
Worse for: mental exertion, getting hot and cold food.
In case of accident can give 30c potency up to 4 times in
an hour. If patient starts to feel better stop giving remedies.