Week 3
After being on the ‘F’ it plan for so many years, I will
let you into a little secret. There has been a breakthrough, not an Earth
shattering movement, but for the first time in many years (while not being on a
diet) I have genuinely refused pudding. I didn’t do this to be ‘good’, reward
myself, guilt or for punishment, it was because I had recognised ‘full’. What a
lot of old rubbish I hear you splutter about now. What I really meant to say
was I did not eat my way past full and into uncomfortable, I just…stopped and
it felt kind of nice.
I was really excited to tell the group and was even more
excited with this week’s topic, the power of the pause. How many of us really
stop to think about what we are eating? Many people now are eating on the go,
let alone allowing time in between forkfuls. So we pause. I am going to listen
to those pauses from now on in the hope they have a little code waiting for me
to crack.

This week’s homework was to pause wherever possible and
practice the art of enjoying our food. It was no longer a vessel fed by our
hunger but something we just did and took pleasure in. This was most important
because I see food as one of my best friends, sad I know, but I get so much
pleasure from it that I realise now why diets can’t work for me. So like any
invested relationship I am going to help ‘my friend’ be the best they can be
and that means looking at all my food choices.
If you would like to know more I will be posting this blog for the next six weeks. Please like and share. For interest in doing a course please phone Katherine Locke on 07791182023 or email katherine@followyourfreedom.co.uk and for similar courses please phone the Axminster Health & Wellbeing Centre on 01297 32331