Friday, 30 September 2016

Thank you and a fond farewell to Nikki our volunteer

I began volunteering at Axminster Health & Wellbeing Centre in July 2015, having only moved down to Axminster from Bedfordshire two months earlier. I was welcomed in as one of the team of volunteers who man the reception desk, and I also took on the task of creating a computerised catalogue of all of the books held in the centre’s library – no easy task with approximately 1000 books to list! Originally when I began volunteering, I thought the main benefit would be to meet new people and hopefully make some friends along the way. However, after a few weeks here, I realised just how much they offer in terms of the therapies available and how they look after the team of volunteers to make sure that they are not doing more than they are able to realistically manage. 

Whilst here, I have been able to help with things such as the Wishing Well cancer support group, and help out at the annual Health & Wellbeing Exhibition which I thoroughly enjoyed as I got to meet and speak to hundreds of people. I have also been lucky enough to have some therapies here outside of my working hours, including massage and mindfulness. I have learnt a great deal more about the wide variety of complimentary therapies available as well, and will definitely be trying a few more!

In the last two months,  after being put in contact with an organisation called Pluss, I was given the opportunity to work more hours at the centre and be paid by Pluss (this is known as an Options Traineeship) to help me to get ready for finding permanent employment. Little did I know that, less than six weeks later, I would be sat here writing this blog post, on my last day working at the centre before starting full time work in the morning! It happened so quickly and everyone at the centre has been so supportive of my decision to apply for and then accept the offer of the job. I will miss my shifts at the centre but will still be helping at their events such as the Exhibition (Saturday 8th October at Axminster Guildhall!). 

 I cannot thank them enough for the experience and support they have provided here. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity then definitely get in contact with them as it’s a lovely place to work and meet new people from the local area.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Homeopathy - Chamomilla

As part of our homeopathy treatment of the month - this week we are exploring Chamomilla.

No. 1 remedy for:
Earache from exposure to cold

Person is extremely angry, irritable, cross, whining, can't be satisfied

One cheek is red the other pale

Diarrhoea like chopped spinach and belching smells like bad egg

Symptoms that come on after extreme anger

Worse for being touched, looked at, covered up

Better for being carried and cold compresses

If you'd like to know more about Homeopathic medicine then please visit

Monday, 1 August 2016

The benefits of Arnica montana - Homeopathy therapy of the month

Linda Lester
01404 813074

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle and effective natural health system. Homeopathy assists the body's own natural instinct to heal itself and restore natural balance. 
Homeopathy is safe for people of any age, pregnant, mums, babies and older people and can be used with other medicines if necessary.
Homeopathy is a holistic system of health care, that takes into account every aspect of your daily life and enables the homeopath to look at your unique symptoms and choose a treatment that is specific to your needs. It is not addictive and is free from Side effects.
When you have your case taken by a homeopath you will be asked lots of questions about yourself and it is this information that helps the homeopath choose a prescription that best suits you as a unique and individual person.


        Arnica montana
Leopards Bane. 
The tincture is made from 
the roots of the plant.
Arnica montana has an
affinity with blood vessels
and is used to assist with:

  • Bruises, concussion, shock and trauma of an accident, post operative bruising
  • Helps prevent Jet lag and DVT
  • Remedy for muscular diseases: strains, sprains, bruising and swelling.
  • Head hot and body cold
  • Lumpy bed flu (if the patient complains that the bed feels hard and uncomfortable
Better for : open air, wind in the face, cold water.

Worse for: mental exertion, getting hot and cold food.

In case of accident can give 30c potency up to 4 times in
an hour. If patient starts to feel better stop giving remedies.

Friday, 15 July 2016

What Linda says on volunteering...

                   Linda Farnham Volunteer Receptionist Axminster Health & Wellbeing Centre

In February 2016 I saw an ad seeking reception volunteers at the centre. I had just given up work & liked the idea of being a receptionist. I have always enjoyed being in a face to face environment and this sounded perfect for me. I rang the centre and spoke to Aynsley and was invited to pop in for a chat. The centre had a very welcoming atmosphere and after agreeing a regular shift I agreed to start the following week. I must admit it was all a bit daunting on my first session – I had to answer the phone, transfer calls and meet & greet. But after the second week I felt fine.
I have met so many interesting people, have learnt so much about the local community and feel part of a team. Everyone is friendly. I was astonished to find out how much charities rely on volunteers. This centre virtually runs on volunteer help from reception to food bank. The three centre managers are really lovely and obviously care a great deal about their work and the local community.
My Friday mornings as receptionist –
I arrive at about 9.25 where I meet the duty manager. We generally have a chat about anything really and then I take my seat at reception.  On my days I usually have specific tasks to perform which suits me, however if you don’t want to do any tasks it is fine as long as there is some-one to meet and greet, answer the phone, offer visitors a drink
I enjoy doing little projects or tasks. I have drafted letters for funding, posted ‘events’ on Facebook pages of local groups, contacted local interest groups with a view to presenting at our Wishing Well group.
During my morning there are times when the phone rings a lot and then nothing for ages. The reception area can be a hustle and bustle of visitors and then all peace and quiet but that is what I like – a bit unpredictable.
I generally work until 1.30pm when another volunteer comes in and takes over.
Since starting in February I have found that I look forward to Friday mornings, a reason to get up earlier and not wear my old working clothes, style my hair and apply my make-up. I also feel more fulfilled and part of the local community.
Life is too short for maybe’s so give it a try and I am sure you too will enjoy it.

If you would like to be a volunteer please pop into the Centre or give us a ring on 01297 32331 for more information as we would love to hear from you. 

Friday, 1 July 2016

Hypnotherapy - Therapy of the month

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy – Deborah Pearce
Debbie works with clients who are looking for a more enjoyable experience of life.  This may mean working with clients to reduce anxiety, or to help clients get a better night's sleep or to help clients become more confident. It may mean getting rid of unhelpful fears or phobias, or taming your 'inner critic'.
Debbie practises Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, which means that rather than focusing on problems Debbie encourages you to identify solutions that will work for you. Debbie’s approach utilises Solution Focused Brief Therapy techniques, encouraging the client to adopt a more positive outlook on life. Call Debbie on 01404 813388 or 07939 840788 or email

How can hypnotherapy help?

It’s not always easy to remove the source of the pressure or challenges that you face. It may be that you are stressed because of work pressures or illness in the family. Hypnotherapy can help you, though, by helping you to cope so much better. Remember, it’s not the situation you find yourself in that is causing you stress, it’s your response to it. By using Solution Focused techniques, we can help you to formulate a better way of coping with your situation. We help you to visualise your preferred future so that your sub-conscious mind has a positive template to work with. By responding to external pressures in a calmer, more positive way, stress-related symptoms often improve. Life can, indeed, be fun.
Anxiety is a common cause of insomnia, and of course worrying that you’re not sleeping only makes the problem worse. It’s not long before a vicious cycle sets in and the harder you try the more elusive sleep becomes. It can be really debilitating and can seriously impair a person’s ability to function normally or enjoy life.
Hypnotherapy can help insomnia sufferers by addressing the underlying anxiety, often caused by work, relationship, health or financial worries. Ruminating on problems serves to amplify their significance and even small issues can get out of proportion in the middle of a sleepless night.
Now, hypnotherapy isn't a magic wand. You won't be able to lose weight unless you change what you eat or take more exercise, preferably both. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you find the motivation for making the necessary changes. It is a modern research-based combination of psychotherapy techniques and hypnosis, aimed at encouraging you to focus on how you want things to be. We avoid problem-talk and instead help you to visualise your preferred future. There's a huge difference between saying 'I don't want to binge on a whole packet of doughnuts' and 'I am going to eat healthy and nutritious food'.
Hypnotherapy can help you address the underlying stresses that get in the way of you making appropriate choices around food and exercise. But it can only help if you make an effort to do something different, so be prepared for change. And be prepared for steady, sustainable weight loss, rather than a quick fix. By dealing with the underlying issues that get in the way of managing your weight, you'll feel motivated to make more helpful choices about food and exercise.
Please also contact Debbie for Anxiety, Motivation, Confidence, Phobias, Blood pressure, calmer Childbirth and much more.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Therapy of the Month - Counselling

Gillian Perrow is a trained Relate Group Leader, Family Counsellor and Therapeutic Mediator. She shares a Group Practice in Somerset with six other practitioners called Relationship Somerset. She runs her own practice from the Health & Wellbeing Centre, where she is also Director and Chair of the Trustees. She has been involved with  self-development of both herself and others for over 30 years.

Gillian is committed to Continuous Professional Development and she attends conferences and training days regularly, to keep up to date with new developments in the field. She is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and she adheres to their code of ethics. She is committed to working for the client’s best interest; practising confidentiality, having a transparent working contract and promoting the client’s right to make their own decisions.

Services Include:
Ø Couple Counselling
Ø Family Counselling
Ø Individual Counselling

  • More intimate and satisfying relationships
  • Greater sense of self-worth and self-awareness
  • Increased confidence and self esteem
  • Feeling calmer and more relaxed
  • Better communication skills
  • Develop healthier patterns of relating to others
Whatever your problem, you really don’t need to feel alone.


Gillian Perrow
Axminster Health & Wellbeing Centre
Hanover House
Chard Street
EX13 5DZ
Phone: 01297 32530
Mob: 07877 721297

Friday, 6 May 2016

How can Acupuncture help you?

Acupuncture can help with a wide range of physical and emotional health problems.  These include the following:-

Anxiety                                      Fatigue
Depression                                Hay Fever
Arthritis                                     Headaches
Asthma                                      Infertility
Back pain                                  Insomnia
Bladder problems                               Menopause
Digestive conditions                    Menstrual problems

                   Polycystic Ovaries

About Val

Val has been a therapist for 20 years.  She originally trained in Therapeutic Massage and built up a successful practice in South Wales.  She subsequently went on to train in Traditional Acupuncture at the College of Traditional Acupuncture in Leamington Spa.  Following this she moved to the South West and set up her practice.   She is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and has clinics in Sidmouth, Exmouth and Axminster.

Val treats most physical and emotional health problems, such as back pain and sciatica, sports injuries, IBS, insomnia, headaches and migraines.  She has undertaken additional training in:-

  • Acupuncture for addictions such as smoking and weight loss
  • Fertility and IVF support
  • Pregnancy management and childbirth
  • Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture (FRA)
  • Women’s health issues e.g.menstrual/menopausal support


Val originally trained in Psychiatric Nursing and worked in a large hospital in Sheffield, for a number of years.  She subsequently trained in massage, during this time she suffered from RSI and tried Acupuncture. This completely cured her RSI and being so impressed she decided to train in Acupuncture.  She has been an Acupuncturist for the last 18 years and is passionate about her work and has found her vocation in life.

Val Davis can be contacted on 01395 578050 or
On 07870 881596

Or check out her website:

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Spring forward this season with Shiatsu.

February 11, 2016


Marco Cavallaro

In the UK the cold and darkness of winter urge us to slow down.
Winter is Yin in nature; it is inactive, cold, and damp and therefore a more sedentary winter time can leave us feeling physically stiff, frustrated and prone to migraines, IBS and depression. This spring prepare yourself for returning to a more relaxed, active and happy lifestyle with Shiatsu.

During the winter months it is more difficult to wake in the mornings and struggle in to work, and the overwhelming desire is to curl up on the sofa in the evenings to watch the wealth of winter dramas while indulging in high fat foods. Now the evenings are getting lighter and the spring bulbs are in bloom we begin to feel like facing the world again but the lethargy of the winter months may be hard to shift.

Officially, spring begins in the West on the 21st of March on the Spring Equinox. In contrast the Chinese feel it begins at Chinese New Year (Monday 8th February 2016), when the light is returning and the early signs of new growth begin. In both systems, the basic energy is the same; a feeling of new beginnings and a fresh start. Surprisingly often we do not feel the anticipated happiness expected at this time of year. Often, people feel frustrated, anxious and depressed as the energy builds in a body slowly waking from the hibernation of winter.

Shiatsu treats the liver and gall bladder meridians at this time of year to support the Wood element in regaining balance in the body. These are strongly linked to muscle function and tendon elasticity and when they are depleted stiffness and muscle aches occur. A Shiatsu treatment at this time will leave you feeling physically balanced and revitalised, ready to spring forward into the new season with rejuvenated muscle function and a positive frame of mind.

Monday, 25 January 2016

The Wishing Well Axminster Cancer Support - Could it help you or a loved one?

“Wishing Well” – Axminster’s cancer support group
“Wishing Well” is a support group for people affected by cancer, and for their carers.
The group is hosted by Axminster Health and Wellbeing Centre, Chard Street, Axminster on Thursday afternoons from 2.30 until 4.30pm and is open to all affected by cancer including families and carers.

We provide a safe, supportive and informative space where people experiencing cancer, including people who have recovered from cancer, can get together and share experiences and support one another.

We believe Axminster Health and Wellbeing Centre is the perfect place to host this group, we are centrally located in the town and near to a car park.
We offer refreshments on arrival and a spacious and comfortable meeting room.

The Centre is also the venue for complementary therapy treatments.

Our complementary therapy practitioners are very supportive of ‘Wishing Well’ and many are happy to offer people attending Wishing Well the opportunity to receive treatments.

Complementary therapy treatments for Wishing Well have been made possible due to a bursary fund for cancer support which was awarded in part by Macmillan and in part by Devon Community Foundation.

Currently Wishing Well has 26 registered members and the group has enjoyed a range of talks and workshops on subjects including Nutrition, Yoga, Art and Breath.

We are always looking to expand what we offer so please get in touch if you are willing to run a workshop or deliver a talk on a health, wellbeing, exercise or art/ craft activity.

Feedback from our speakers/ workshop leaders and from our attendees suggests that ‘Wishing Well’ is a much needed and appreciated group.

‘I first went to Wishing Well whilst still on chemotherapy and found it a relief to be able to talk to other cancer sufferers without having to explain myself. We can all support each other with our varying experiences.
Attending talks and learning more about complimentary therapies and cancer specific dietary advice has been most helpful.
Through Wishing Well I was able to attend a mindfulness course which has proved very helpful during difficult times.
Knowing there is a local cancer support group in Axminster is very reassuring’.
Chris Edwards

‘I enjoyed the art session because it was good to speak to other women living with cancer. Having cancer and coping with treatment can feel isolating even if you have lots of friends and family around’
 Ruby Cole

'Wishing Well at Axminster Health and Wellbeing Centre provides valuable support and a source of accurate information for clients. I valued meeting everyone at the talks I have given at this lovely meeting place and hope the nutrition advice was helpful.'
 Liz Bray - registered nutritional therapist at Axminster Health and Wellbeing Centre

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Pregnancy Massage and its benefits.

During pregnancy your body goes through great physical and emotional change. You may have a sore back, swollen ankles or feel a little apprehensive about the change a new baby will bring. 
Here are some ways that pregnancy massage may help you with one or indeed all of these challenges....

Physical benefits of the treatment can include:
Reduced swelling in areas such as ankles and feet by stimulation of the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

Pain reduction in areas of stress such as the shoulders, lower back, and legs by the use of specially tailored therapeutic massage techniques. 

Emotional benefits of the treatment can include:
The beginning of a positive bond between mum and baby by the production of the hormone oxytocin being stimulated during massage. 

Time out from your busy schedule to think about and concentrate on this new baby (this can be especially helpful if you already have children that often take up much of your time and attention). 

Emma is trained to the one of the highest levels of remedial massage available in the UK and even has a special couch where you are able to lie on your front (stomach and baby safely cradled) to relieve weight and pressure. If you would prefer a seated or side lying pregnancy treatment then this is also available. For more information or to book contact Emma on 07717310198.