Friday 15 July 2016

What Linda says on volunteering...

                   Linda Farnham Volunteer Receptionist Axminster Health & Wellbeing Centre

In February 2016 I saw an ad seeking reception volunteers at the centre. I had just given up work & liked the idea of being a receptionist. I have always enjoyed being in a face to face environment and this sounded perfect for me. I rang the centre and spoke to Aynsley and was invited to pop in for a chat. The centre had a very welcoming atmosphere and after agreeing a regular shift I agreed to start the following week. I must admit it was all a bit daunting on my first session – I had to answer the phone, transfer calls and meet & greet. But after the second week I felt fine.
I have met so many interesting people, have learnt so much about the local community and feel part of a team. Everyone is friendly. I was astonished to find out how much charities rely on volunteers. This centre virtually runs on volunteer help from reception to food bank. The three centre managers are really lovely and obviously care a great deal about their work and the local community.
My Friday mornings as receptionist –
I arrive at about 9.25 where I meet the duty manager. We generally have a chat about anything really and then I take my seat at reception.  On my days I usually have specific tasks to perform which suits me, however if you don’t want to do any tasks it is fine as long as there is some-one to meet and greet, answer the phone, offer visitors a drink
I enjoy doing little projects or tasks. I have drafted letters for funding, posted ‘events’ on Facebook pages of local groups, contacted local interest groups with a view to presenting at our Wishing Well group.
During my morning there are times when the phone rings a lot and then nothing for ages. The reception area can be a hustle and bustle of visitors and then all peace and quiet but that is what I like – a bit unpredictable.
I generally work until 1.30pm when another volunteer comes in and takes over.
Since starting in February I have found that I look forward to Friday mornings, a reason to get up earlier and not wear my old working clothes, style my hair and apply my make-up. I also feel more fulfilled and part of the local community.
Life is too short for maybe’s so give it a try and I am sure you too will enjoy it.

If you would like to be a volunteer please pop into the Centre or give us a ring on 01297 32331 for more information as we would love to hear from you. 

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