Wednesday, 15 May 2019


Chakras are rotating discs of subtle energy moving within the body’s aura that connect with the physical body.  They are located at specific points connecting both at the front and back of the body.  The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘chakram’ which means ‘wheel’.

There are seven major chakras aligned with the spine which govern the central nervous and endocrine systems.  Complementary therapists work with these chakras. In addition, there are 21 minor chakras located around the body, which are also used in holistic treatments, in acupuncture, shiatsu and yoga.


All things in the universe vibrate and we can use the vibrations from crystals to help unblock stagnant energy, which then allows the body’s own natural healing abilities to work.

The seven main Chakra’s are:-


This Chakra is where our life force energy and our will to live emanates from, giving us our strength and vitality.  The areas of the body that are governed by this chakra are the feet and legs to the base of the spine; bones, teeth, nails, prostate and suprarenal glands (situated on top of the kidneys).  These glands produce many hormones including adrenaline. 

The element associated with this Chakra is Earth and it is linked to our sense of smell.
Crystals with earthing qualities are used with this Chakra including:-

Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Ruby, Agate, Red Jasper, Bloodstone and Black Onyx.



The area of the body governed by this Chakra is the area between the base of the spine to just below the tummy button. This is our emotional centre that governs our sexuality, relationships and happiness.   It covers all the reproductive organs and glands, the bladder and kidneys. This Chakra governs all the liquids in the body including lymph, blood and water. 

The element associated with this Chakra is Water and it is linked to our sense of taste.

Crystals to balance the emotions are used with this Chakra including:-

Moonstone, Carnelian, Jasper, Orange Calcite, Topaz and Haematite.


The Solar Plexus Chakra is situated from just below the tummy button to just above it.  This is our centre of power and governs both our mental and intellectual abilities, as well as linking to our digestive system.  The gland associated with this Chakra is the pancreas and the related areas of the body are the lower back, stomach, liver, gall bladder and the autonomic nervous system.

The elements associated with this Chakra are Fire and Air and it is linked to our sense of sight.

Cystals with clearing and empowering properties are used with this Chakra including:-

Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Yellow Flourite. Yellow Topaz, Amber


This Chakra is linked to our physical heart and our ability to give and receive love.  The areas of the body governed by this Chakra along with the heart are the rib cage, upper back, lower lungs, skin and hands.

The element associated with this Chakra is Air and it is linked to our sense of touch.

Crystals to bring peace and harmony to balance this Chakra include:-

Emerald, Green Jade, Aventurine, Peridot, Green and Pink Tourmaline, Kunzite, Roze Quartz, Green Quartz and Lepidolite.


This Chakra is situated at the base of the throat and is linked to our throat, vocal chords, oesophagus, lungs, bronchial tubes and jaw.  It also governs the metabolism of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Blue stones are used with this Chakra which are cleansing, cooling and calming.   They can help where there is difficulty with expressing oneself, lack of energy and motivation and any breathing or thyroid problems.

The elements associated with this Chakra are Air, Fire and Ether and it is linked to our sense of hearing.

Crystals used with this Chakra include:-

Blue Topaz, Aquamarine, Blue Agate, Turquoise, blue Obsidian, Lepidolite and Chalcedony.


This Chakra is situated in the centre of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is associated with our intuition, our higher self and broadening the mind.  It covers the sinuses, ears, nose and eyes, and part of the nervous system.

The Element associated with this Chakra is Ether and it links to all our senses as well as our extra sensory perception.  This Chakra governs the Pituitary Gland and thereby the release of hormones to all of the endocrine glands.

Deep blue crystals are used to bring balance to this Chakra, including:

Lapis Lazuli, Hawk Eye, Iolite, Sodalite and Sapphire. Violet and white crystals can also bring balance to this area.


Located at the crown of the head, this Chakra links to the Cerebrum.  It governs the Pineal Gland and the sympathetic nervous system.  If this Chakra is out of balance we can suffer headaches, migraines and other mental or nervous disorders.

This Chakra is associated with the element Ether; and violet and white crystals are used to bring balance and harmony, including:-

Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Diamond.

Crystals for both the third eye and crown chakras.

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